Feeding Therapy

Feeding Therapy is a specialized intervention provided by a licensed speech-language pathologist to help children who have difficulty with the physical act of eating and/or swallowing. Feeding therapy works to develop the oral motor skills a child needs to make mealtime nourishing and enjoyable.

What Are Feeding Disorders?

Feeding difficulties are relatively common during childhood. Pediatric feeding disorder (PFD) is impaired oral intake that is not age-appropriate and is associated with medical, nutritional, feeding skill, and/or psychosocial dysfunction.

Types of Feeding Therapy Include:

  1. Sensory Deficits:

    1. Overstuffing

    2. Poor Food Tolerance and/or Food Avoidance

    3. Aversion to Specific Textures, Temperatures, and/or Smells

    4. Tactile Deficits

  2. Oral Motor Deficits:

    1. Poor Lingual Lateralization

    2. Immature Chewing Pattern

    3. Pocketing Food Items in Cheeks

    4. Post-Swallow Residue

  3. Behavioral:

    1. Throwing Food

    2. Crying or Screaming at Mealtime

    3. Stealing Food from Others

    4. Refusal to Eat

How We Can Help.

Personalized One-on-One Therapy Sessions

We recognize the vital role each therapy session plays in your child's progress and development. That’s why we exclusively offer private 1-on-1 sessions that are tailored to the needs of your child. This approach ensures that each child receives our undivided attention with personalized lesson plans that maximize their opportunity for growth and improvement.

Choose from Multiple Location Options

Our speech-language pathologists take appointments in a variety of locations, allowing parents to choose a setting that is most conducive to their child’s learning style. Location options include in-house clinic appointments, home visits, daycare visits, and availability at the schools and hospitals we hold exclusive contracts with.

Ongoing Care and Support Up to 18 Years Old

While many children successfully overcome speech and feeding challenges, some require routine support throughout their grade school years to enhance their skills. If you believe your child would benefit from regular attention, we can establish a custom schedule and frequency of sessions that ensure your child continues to improve and their progress stays on track.

Early Signs of
Feeding Difficulties

Feeding difficulties are relatively common during childhood. At Greater Good Therapy, your child will participate in a comprehensive evaluation to determine if feeding therapy is recommended. Upon completion, a speech pathologist will create an individualized plan of care to address difficulties and concerns.

  • Your child has difficulty chewing or swallowing their food and/or you find that your child often has food residue post-swallow.

  • Your child spits up or throws up a lot when eating or drinking.

  • Your child refuses to eat or drink. Your child refuses food groups with a specific texture, smell, or even temperature.

  • Your child has difficulty transitioning from bottles to purees and solid foods.

  • Your child is not gaining weight or growing.

  • Your baby has trouble breathing while eating or drinking.

Do you have questions we haven’t answered yet?

As a parent, we understand you have questions. “Will my child be seen 1-on-1? Are house visits an option? What about daycare visits?

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Are you looking for a local therapist?

Our speech pathologists are specialized in identifying children with speech and feeding disorders. Connect with an expert today.

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