Language Therapy

Language therapy improves skills that are crucial for communication. Our therapists teach children new vocabulary and how to use their knowledge to express their needs and feelings, answer questions and follow directions, and participate in conversations with others.

What are Language Delays & Disorders?

Studies show that nearly 10% of preschool-aged children experience language delays, making them quite common. If your child isn’t meeting the language developmental milestones appropriate for their age, seems to be progressing at a slower pace than their peers, is showing signs of difficulty expressing themselves or comprehending others, they may have a language delay.

Areas of Focus for Language Disorders Include:

  • The ability to listen, comprehend, and follow verbal instructions

  • Proficiency in grammar and ability to form complete sentences

  • Knowledge of vocabulary including the ability to understand words spoken to them, recall, and say those words themselves

  • The ability to ask questions and answer questions in a variety of structures

  • Social language skills (pragmatics) including the ability to interact with other and follow social rules of conversation and play

  • Reading and writing, or pre-reading skills such as book handling, recognizing print, vocabulary, and the ability to follow words on a page

How We Can Help.

Personalized One-on-One Therapy Sessions

We recognize the vital role each therapy session plays in your child's progress and development. That’s why we exclusively offer private 1-on-1 sessions that are tailored to the needs of your child. This approach ensures that each child receives our undivided attention with personalized lesson plans that maximize their opportunity for growth and improvement.

Choose from Multiple Location Options

Our speech-language pathologists take appointments in a variety of locations, allowing parents to choose a setting that is most conducive to their child’s learning style. Location options include in-house clinic appointments, home visits, daycare visits, and availability at the schools and hospitals we hold exclusive contracts with.

Ongoing Care and Support Up to 18 Years Old

While many children successfully overcome speech and feeding challenges, some require routine support throughout their grade school years to enhance their skills. If you believe your child would benefit from regular attention, we can establish a custom schedule and frequency of sessions that ensure your child continues to improve and their progress stays on track.

Leading with a Neurodiversity-Affirming Approach.

Our speech-language pathologists have experience working with neurodivergent children in the following areas of treatment:

  • Diverse methods of communication that can supplement or compensate for the limitations and challenges faced by individuals with severe expressive communication disorders. These methods serve as temporary or permanent solutions to overcome impairments and disabilities in their ability to communicate effectively.

  • The Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol (K-SLP) is a well-supported approach used for assessing and treating childhood apraxia of speech (CAS), as well as other speech-sound disorders and expressive language difficulties. This protocol relies on evidence-based practices to guide evaluation and intervention processes.

  • Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP)™ is a therapeutic methodology that incorporates motor learning principles and a voice output communication aid. It aims to provide non-verbal individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities a means to cultivate autonomous and natural communication. LAMP™ offers a structured approach that fosters the development of independent and spontaneous communication skills.

  • The Beckman Oral Motor Intervention Protocol uses assisted movement and stretch reflexes to assess and measure the response to pressure and movement, as well as the range, strength, variety, and control of movement in the lips, cheeks, jaw, tongue, and soft palate.

  • The SMILE (SysteMatic Intervention for Lingual Elevation) Program is a specialized Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy program that focuses on improving speech, oral resting posture, oral habits, and swallowing.

Do you have questions we haven’t answered yet?

As a parent, we understand you have questions. “Will my child be seen 1-on-1? Are house visits an option? What about daycare visits?

Visit Our FAQ Page to Learn More >

Is your child a neurodivergent learner?

Neurodiverse children experience life differently. Learn how to recognize and support the struggles and the superpowers of a neurodiverse child.

Learn More About Neurodiversity >

Are you looking for a local therapist?

Our speech pathologists are specialized in identifying children with speech and feeding disorders. Connect with an expert today.

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