Speech Sound

Speech Sound Therapy is a specialized intervention provided by a licensed speech-language pathologist to help children accurately produce the proper speech sounds and speech segments of their native language.

What Are Speech Sound Disorders?

The term “Speech Sound Disorders” covers a wide range of challenges that involve either organic or functional difficulties with speech and sound. Organic difficulties are either developmental or acquired, whereas functional disorders have no known cause.

Organic Speech Sound Difficulties Include:

  1. Motor/Neurological:

    1. Childhood Apraxia of Speech: where a child’s brain has difficulty coordinating the complex oral movements required to connect sounds to syllables, syllables to words, and words to phrases.

    2. Dysarthria: where a child has an impaired speech pattern caused by damage to the brain or nerves that are affecting the speech muscles.

  2. Structural: Cleft lip or palate, other orofacial anomalies, structural deficits due to trauma or surgery

  3. Sensory/Perceptual: Hearing impairment

Functional Speech Sound Difficulties Include:

  1. Articulation: Motor errors in the production of individual speech sounds, like distortions or substitutions.

  2. Phonological: Linguistic errors that affect more than one sound, including fronting, stopping, and final consonant deletion.

How We Can Help.

Personalized One-on-One Therapy Sessions

We recognize the vital role each therapy session plays in your child's progress and development. That’s why we exclusively offer private 1-on-1 sessions that are tailored to the needs of your child. This approach ensures that each child receives our undivided attention with personalized lesson plans that maximize their opportunity for growth and improvement.

Choose from Multiple Location Options

Our speech-language pathologists take appointments in a variety of locations, allowing parents to choose a setting that is most conducive to their child’s learning style. Location options include in-house clinic appointments, home visits, daycare visits, and availability at the schools and hospitals we hold exclusive contracts with.

Ongoing Care and Support Up to 18 Years Old

While many children successfully overcome speech and feeding challenges, some require routine support throughout their grade school years to enhance their skills. If you believe your child would benefit from regular attention, we can establish a custom schedule and frequency of sessions that ensure your child continues to improve and their progress stays on track.

Early Signs of Speech Delays & Disorders

We take great pride in our close collaboration with families during both the evaluation and intervention phases of therapy, ensuring progress and the application of new skills acquired during therapy. If your child is showing signs of speech delays and/or difficulties, contact one of our therapists today.

  • Your 0-3 month old doesn’t smile or interact with others.

  • Your 4-7 month old doesn’t babble.

  • Your 7-24 month old doesn’t understand what others are saying.

  • Your 12-18 month old only says a few words.

  • Your 18-24 month old can’t put together 2+ word phrases.

  • Your 2-3 year old says less than 50 words, isn’t connecting sentences well, and struggles to talk to other children their age.

Do you have questions we haven’t answered yet?

As a parent, we understand you have questions. “Will my child be seen 1-on-1? Are house visits an option? What about daycare visits?

Visit Our FAQ Page to Learn More >

Is your child a neurodivergent learner?

Neurodiverse children experience life differently. Learn how to recognize and support the struggles and the superpowers of a neurodiverse child.

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Are you looking for a local therapist?

Our speech pathologists are specialized in identifying children with speech and feeding disorders. Connect with an expert today.

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